Author of Middle Grade novels about friendship, family, and figuring out where you fit in.

Monday, November 4, 2013

It's Here -- The Brand New!

In my last post, I said changes were coming, and here are (most of) the changes!

I know it might seem a little too forward of me to have a domain name when I'm not published yet or about to be published soon. But I'm kind of a techy girl and I'd always wanted one ever since creating my first website at age 13. So here it is,!

I'm not exactly married to the color scheme I chose, so that might change over the next few weeks/months. But I do like the link slider on the main blog page. If you haven't seen it yet (I forget if it shows up on individual blog post pages), check it out here. I didn't write that code or anything; it came with the blog template, but I did some editing to it to make it mine.

I don't really have anything of more substance to post about today, but I'm hoping to have some bigger posts (including maybe eventually an announcement) in the weeks to come.

Has anyone else changed their blog's look lately? Anyone have or consider a domain name?


Jemi Fraser said...

I like it Shelley! Very nice - fun colours and I like the sliding header too :)

Tiana Smith said...

I don't think it's forward of you to have a domain name, but then again, I do too :) I think it's good to stake your claim so no one else takes it by the time you do publish. Plus, it does make it easier for people to find you. I like the slider :)

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I think it's great that you have a website prior to publication. Anyone serious about their writing should. I'm curious how you got it so "unbloggerlike"-- there's no little clues on the top that this is a Blogger blog. Anyway, I like it although the polka dots make my eyes go kind of funny lol.

Anne Gallagher said...

I'd love to have my own domain name but there are about 7 Anne Gallagher writers out there. But we'll see next summer. Maybe I can work something out.

Like the new digs.

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