Author of Middle Grade novels about friendship, family, and figuring out where you fit in.

Monday, April 28, 2014

No Spoilers, Please!

Before I get to today's subject, I just want to let you guys know that I now have a Facebook Page! I'm not asking you guys to "like" it or anything, but if you do, please feel free to plug your own Page's URL in the comments so I can "like" you back.

So, several months ago, I was browsing Twitter when I saw a tweet about a TV show I watch. The tweet said something along the lines of:

OMG I can't believe [CHARACTER] was killed off on last night's episode of [TV SHOW]!!

...and I hadn't yet seen the episode. Thanks for the spoilers, random Twitter person. You're un-followed. (Not really, but I was momentarily annoyed enough that I considered it.)

The thing is, yeah, it was pretty lousy. I was really into that TV show and wish I could have experienced the shock of this character dying without hearing about it beforehand. The episode was ruined for me.

But when I was finally over it (weeks later...), I realized that being sensitive about spoilers is a good thing. It means that we care about the story. We're invested. And as a creator of stories, it always makes me happy when people appreciate a writer's work. In the case of this TV show, while I love the acting, it's really the writing that draws me in. I wanted to completely immerse myself in the script writers' world and feel emotions as if the events actually happened.

Now, when I hear someone say, "No spoilers, please!" I know how important that is. And I won't spoil anything. I promise.

Have you ever had anything spoiled for you? How did it happen? (Remember not to give away what the spoiler was, if it's something that fellow readers might not have seen/read yet.)


Tiana Smith said...

If it's a popular book or TV show and I haven't read/watched it yet, I'll avoid places like Twitter until I have. Most of the times though, I'm late to trends, so I'll have heard all the spoilers before I even watch one episode or read the first book in a series. By the time I get to things, I've usually forgotten all the spoilers, because when I heard them, I didn't know who the characters were. I guess I just have to have enough hype before hand before I dive into something!

Kelly Polark said...

That frustrates me when I read or hear a spoiler. This happened in Harry Potter and in Divergent. Drives me crazy!!

Kelly Polark said...

Oh! And I liked your fb page! :) Here's mine!

Jemi Fraser said...

One of these days I'm going to join FB! Just not today :)

I hate spoilers! I've had a few books and movies spoiled for me and it stinks!

Heather R. Holden said...

It's always so frustrating to get exposed to spoilers! Even though I do my best to avoid them, I still somehow manage to get spoiled for countless things. (I even had all of Frozen spoiled for me back in September, a couple months before the movie came out...sigh.) Sometimes it seems like the only way to not get spoiled is to get rid of the internet, haha...

And congrats on the Facebook page! I've already gone ahead and "liked" it. ;) I don't really have one for myself, but I do have a Facebook page set up for my webcomic:

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