Hi friends, before I talk about today's topic, I wanted to let you know that WISHING FOR WASHINGTON is now on Goodreads! You can add it to your To-Read list if you'd like.
Today, I have a question for anyone who reads e-books: What kind of device do you use to read them? Do you have a Kindle, Nook, iPad, or another device?
I'm wondering because I'm in the final stages of formatting my e-book, and I've noticed some subtle differences between mobi (Kindle) and epub (Nook). Due to these differences, the mobi version has been much easier to code than the epub, so the Kindle version might release earlier than the Nook. (But I'm actively working on the epub version to try to release them at the same time.) I haven't begun to format the book for iTunes, but that's something I plan on doing as well.
So, I was wondering which devices you all use, and if any non-Kindle users feel like they miss out if e-books are Kindle exclusive?
For the record, I read e-books via the Kindle app on both my iPad and my Android phone. Even though I like reading on the iPad better, I read most often on my phone.
And, of course, I still read print books. Gotta love the feel of a book in your hands!
EDIT: As Nick reminded me in the comments, I do plan on having a paperback version of WISHING FOR WASHINGTON available in addition to the e-books. The paperback will just release later. (Tentative date: July 2).
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Today, I have a question for anyone who reads e-books: What kind of device do you use to read them? Do you have a Kindle, Nook, iPad, or another device?
I'm wondering because I'm in the final stages of formatting my e-book, and I've noticed some subtle differences between mobi (Kindle) and epub (Nook). Due to these differences, the mobi version has been much easier to code than the epub, so the Kindle version might release earlier than the Nook. (But I'm actively working on the epub version to try to release them at the same time.) I haven't begun to format the book for iTunes, but that's something I plan on doing as well.
So, I was wondering which devices you all use, and if any non-Kindle users feel like they miss out if e-books are Kindle exclusive?
For the record, I read e-books via the Kindle app on both my iPad and my Android phone. Even though I like reading on the iPad better, I read most often on my phone.
And, of course, I still read print books. Gotta love the feel of a book in your hands!
EDIT: As Nick reminded me in the comments, I do plan on having a paperback version of WISHING FOR WASHINGTON available in addition to the e-books. The paperback will just release later. (Tentative date: July 2).