Author of Middle Grade novels about friendship, family, and figuring out where you fit in.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Recommendation: Indie Author Survival Guide

I can't remember how much I've shared about the very beginning of my self-publishing journey, but here's a short version of the story, in case I haven't shared it before:

I decided I wanted to be an indie author in late 2013, after spending much of the year considering my options. I chose this route intentionally, because my health issues affect my ability to work, and being my own boss is the best solution for my situation. However, even though I knew that the traditional, big publisher path wasn't for me, I wasn't completely sure that I could self-publish. I mean, where you do you even start with such a big task?

I read blog post after blog post, but it wasn't until I read Susan Kaye Quinn's Indie Author Survival Guide that A) I truly felt I'd learned enough about self-publishing to make a decision, and B) I made that decision wholeheartedly -- I was going to be an indie author.

The Indie Author Survival Guide is just what it sounds like: it's everything you could possibly need to survive as an indie author. It covers everything from the "Should I go indie?" type questions (with actual, researched statistics to inform the reader of the current state of publishing), to the step-by-step how to publish (formatting, editing, cover art, everything), to the reassuring support about what to do after you're published (write another book, of course! And don't obsess over sales numbers!)

Since the Second Edition released this year (back in May, but that was when I'd just moved into my new house, so I wasn't able to read it at the time), I revisited the Guide and wrote a review, which you can read on Amazon or on Goodreads here.

Photo from

Here's a quote from my review:

"Although I think this book is fantastic specifically for newer indie authors and writers planning to self-publish, I don't think there's a single type of writer that I would not recommend this book to. Even traditionally published, even veteran indie published, even not-sure-if-I-ever-want-to-publish -- everyone will get something out of this. The How To Publish aspect of the Guide helped me when I first started out, but the encouraging messages about the indie author career path is what I'll keep coming back to this Guide for. A definite 5 out of 5 stars!"

I love this book, and I highly recommend it to anyone who could find it useful and inspiring, no matter where you are in your journey. Find it here on Amazon.

Writers, have you read a non-fiction writing book that impacted you and changed your writing life for the better? Please share!


Tiana Smith said...

I'll definitely have to check this out!!

Tonja Drecker said...

I hadn't heard of this one, but I'm going to check it out now. Thanks!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

What a stellar recommendation! Thanks. I've heard about this book before, but haven't read it yet. It sure would have come in handy BEFORE I published my book... (But better late than never, right?)

Kelly Steel said...

Thanks, I'm checking it out now.

Jemi Fraser said...

Yes! Susan is brilliant - and very generous with her ideas and her time!

Kelly Hashway said...

Susan is great. I do need to read this one.

Tyrean said...

Great review! Susan's little guide is priceless!

Laurel Garver said...

Susan is incredibly knowledgeable and goes the extra mile getting the best information. I've learned so much from her!

Julie Dao said...

This sounds like a fantastic resource for authors deciding on the indie route! I so admire those who make this decision. It sounds so daunting yet rewarding!

Crystal Collier said...

Such a great book! Sue really has a grasp for what works/doesn't work in the market. Even if you go a traditional route, it has some great marketing ideas.

Shelley Sly said...

Tiana - Yeah, I highly recommend it!

Tonja - Glad to introduce you to it!

Susan - There's never a bad time to read this book, really! Even if you're already published, it can still be extremely helpful!

Kelly S. - Glad to hear it!

Jemi - Isn't she?! We're very lucky to have her in our writer world.

Kelly H. - She is great! I recommend it.

Tyrean - It definitely is priceless. I don't know where I'd be without her guide.

Laurel - I have, too! She really is incredibly helpful.

Julie - The indie route can be scary, for sure, but having a guide like this made it a thousand times easier and less daunting!

Crystal - I agree, it can be helpful for nearly any writer!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a must-read. I haven't seen it before.

Nas said...

Thanks for sharing about this book. Checking it out now.

Shelley Sly said...

Medeia - It's a definite must-read, in my opinion. :)

Nas - Great! Glad you'll be checking it out.

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