Author of Middle Grade novels about friendship, family, and figuring out where you fit in.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Book That Fought Me

CAMP NEVER is finally out in the world! Well, the Kindle version. You can find it here.

I'm having issues with the paperback version, which is par for the course for this book. Here's a simplified timeline of my fight with Camp Never:

Drafted the manuscript a few years ago. (It's actually a complete blank slate rewrite of an older story.)

Made revisions after several rounds with critique partners, beta readers, reading the MS aloud, and printing it out and reading it.

Formatted manuscript for both e-book and print.

Waited until last minute to test e-book because life is crazy right now.

Found formatting errors in e-book.

Corrected errors and tried to test e-book again, but iTunes acted up, so it took forever to transfer the files.

Found two typos.

Corrected typos and tested it again.

Finally got e-book into shape and submitted it to Amazon.


Requested print proof.

Received proof with issues. Ink is too light on some pages.

Contacted CreateSpace to see if it's something on their end, but I just know it's because my book is trying to fight me because it's a jerk.

(But if you're interested, I encourage you to read the book anyway, even if it's a jerk. The main character is a snarky brat at first, so maybe the book is just trying to imitate her and give me a hard time. I would not even be surprised at this point.)

Camp Never:



Wattpad preview coming soon!


Tiana Smith said...

Woot woot! *throws confetti*

Heather R. Holden said...

Wow, Camp Never has had quite the journey so far, for sure! Sorry it's been such a jerk to you, but I can't exactly say I'm surprised, since my own projects tend to get bratty like that, too. (Silly projects!) Anyway, congrats on the ebook release! Camp Never sounds like a really fun read. Will keep my fingers crossed that the print version will stop being a headache for you soon...

Rena said...

Congratulations! Publishing is such a mixed bag when it comes to manuscripts and their stories!

Jemi Fraser said...

LOL - our stories really can be jerks sometimes, can't they!
Can't wait to read this!!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Woohoo! Congratulations!
I downloaded it and read it, and loved it! I think you did a wonderful job with a tough story.

Shelley Sly said...

Thanks, Tiana! :)

Haha, thanks, Heather! I figured you could relate. Our muses and stories sometimes don't do what we want them to do!

Thank you, Rena! You're totally right.

Thanks so much, Jemi! :)

Aww, that's SO nice to hear, Tyrean! Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. I have a copy and look forward to reading it.

Shelley Sly said...

Thank you, Medeia!! I can't wait to buy your latest YA, as well!

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