Author of Middle Grade novels about friendship, family, and figuring out where you fit in.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Paperback Is Here, But I Am Not

Since I only announced when the Kindle edition of CAMP NEVER released, I wanted to quickly jump in and say that the paperback is now available on Amazon! You can find it here.

I won't be sticking around to do the usual things that come with a book release. This is the time that I should be promoting my new book on a regular basis, but I won't be.

I'm taking a break from blogging, Twitter, and other media related to my author life. Because...

A) I want to focus on drafting for a little while. The completed, unpublished manuscripts I have right now aren't appealing to me, and I want to draft two or three new manuscripts and see which one I'd like to publish next. But more importantly...

B) My life outside of writing has been very busy. It's not anything secret, but it has to do with my family, which I choose not to share much about on my public social media. But I will say that it's a good, exciting thing and nothing to worry about.

So, I'm going to free up some time to focus on other big things, but I plan on returning to blogging in a few months. I look forward to hearing what's new with everybody.

Take care!


Jemi Fraser said...

Hope you enjoy the break and all the good things life is bringing your way!!! Have fun! :)

Heather R. Holden said...

How exciting about the paperback release! Congrats! :)

Drafting never fails to eat up a lot of time, so I'm not surprised you feel the need to take a break from blogging and other forms of social media. I can only imagine how much more hectic something like that is when real life is so busy, too! Hope you have a fun and productive few months offline!

Tiana Smith said...

Good luck with everything!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Congratulations! I understand the need to take a break. Enjoy life and writing! :)

kristi d.wientge said...

All the best, Shelley. I'll miss your sparkle here in cyberspace! xoxo

Unknown said...

Wanna wiseabove to help a 'Plethora Of Wurdz' which are look'n for a new home in your novelty?? Yay!

Q: But [gulp] can anyone tell me the difference between K2 and IQ? A: Nthn. In Heaven, we gitt'm both for eternity HA! Need a few more thots, ideers, wild wurdz (whoa, Nelly! Easy, girl!) or ironclad iconoclasms? Voila!!

VERBUM SAT SAPIENTI: As an ex-writer of the sassy, savvy, schizophenia we all go thro in this lifelong demise, I wanna help U.S. git past the whorizontal more!ass! we're in (Latin: words to [the] wise)...

"This finite existence is only a test, son," God Almighty told me in my coma. "Far beyond thy earthly tempest is where you'll find tangible, corpulent eloquence". Lemme tella youse without d'New Joisey accent...

I actually saw Seventh-Heaven when we died: you couldn't GET! any moe curly, party-hardy-endorphins, extravagantly-surplus-lush Upstairs (in [the] end without end -Saint Augustine) when my o-so-beautifull, brilliant, bombastic girly passed-away due to those wry, sardonic satires.

"Those who are wise will shine as brightly as the expanse of the Heavens, and those who have instructed many in uprightousness as bright as stars for all eternity" -Daniel 12:3, NJB

Here's also what the prolific, exquisite GODy sed: 'the more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you' -the Infant Jesus of Prague.

Go gitt'm, girl. You're incredible. See you Upstairs. I won't be joining'm in the nasty Abyss where Isis prowls
PS Need summore unique, uncivilized, useless names? Lemme gonna gitcha started, brudda:

Oak Woods, Franky Sparks, Athena Noble, Autumn Rose, Faith Bishop, Dolly Martin, Willow Rhodes, Cocoa Major, Roman Stone, Bullwark Burnhart, Magnus Wilde, Kardiak Arrest, Will Wright, Goldy Silvers, Penelope Summers, Sophie Sharp, Violet Snow, Lizzy Roach, BoxxaRoxx, Aunty Dotey, Romero Stark, Zacharia Neptoo, Mercurio Morrissey, Fritz & Felix Franz, Victor Payne, Isabella Silverstein, Mercedes Kennedy, Redding Rust, Phoenix Martini, Ivy Squire, Sauer Wolfe, Yankee Cooky, -blessed b9 ...shake well B4 use!

God blessa youse
-Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

Unknown said...

Obat Kanker Rahim Herbal QNC Jelly Gamat Terima kasih semoga informasi yang kami bagikan bisa bermanfaat.

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